Funny Video Boy Acting Like Girl Get a Boyfriend

My boyfriend says I act like a child. Is this a super bad quality?


I'm serious when I need to be but then sometimes I guess I am childish.

My boyfriend says I act like a child. Is this a super bad quality?

Most Helpful Girls

  • Anonymous

    Obviously if it's bothering him, it needs to be worked on, similarly to if something he was doing was bothering you, I imagine you'd want him to change his behaviour.

    Whilst someone acting childish can be irritating, you're also young & why shouldn't you enjoy being young while you still can. You don't have to be a responsible adult all the time, because there will come a time when you have no choice but to be just that.

    There's two solutions really, you work through it together or you don't see each other anymore, but that's a decision for you guys to make.

  • BaileyisDarcy

    There are three reasons here (as I can see)

    1. You are childish and need to grow up a little.
    2. He's too set in "maturity" and needs to relax.
    3. You two are simply incompatible and have different ideas on appropriate times, or ways to let your hair down.

    You can decide where to go from whichever reason you think suits your situation.

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  • depeche2015

    just cause you are more immature than him doesn't mean he has to tell you that. it's kind of rude. don't change. just cause he finds you immature someone else will adore and accept you for who you are. i'm immature myself but that's cause of a mental delay from being premature.

  • XRabbitHeartX

    Depends. In small doses it is not really a big deal in my opinion.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Anonymous

    You know its funny all the woman defending the girl saying its not that bad and he doesn't have the right to say this.

    if the roles were reversed you wouldn't be saying it. feminists. If a girl said my boyfriend is immature there would be comments like "tell him to grow up" or "find a new guy" double standard smh.

    Like 4 People

    • slatyb

      It goes both ways, but we get a lot more questions from women with abusive boyfriends than we get from guys with abusive girlfriends.

  • slatyb

    It's bad that he says this to you. It's very disrespectful and indicates that he does not view you as an equal partner. If you want to be in that sort of parent-child relationship it's ok, but if you want to be in an adult partnership then you need to change his attitude or find another guy.

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 20

  • Goodwifie

    My kids tell me to grow up all the time.

  • Soteris

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  • Drake

    a lot of guys seem to hate immature girls
    I really like em, endless talks, not being ashamed of anything, endless amounts of fun, not holding back etc...

    Most guys rather want a quiet girl who isn't that dominant or "weird" cause they can't handle it and are boring

    Like 1 Person

  • Accosion

    No not really, i think if you can be serious when you need to being childish is ok. it always depends on your partner, some like it, some dont. i for one think that being childish is a good thing, you dont have to take everything seriously, that would be boring. reality is hard enough, have your fun, be childish, do what makes you happy. if he doesn't accept your childish side, maybe its time to find someone that loves that about you :)

  • samhradh_leannan

    It depends on what you are childish about. If you're serious when you need to be, then I don't see a problem.

  • Texe1

    What's the point of growing up if you can't be a little childish from time to time? It's a good thing to be able to not be super serious 24/7

  • ChevelleBaby

    It is okay to have fun at times and be a kid at heart. Tell him not to take life so serious. We only have one to live.

  • zeke0019

    I think it depends on what's going on when he says it. I'll say something like this to the girl I'm seeing. I call her my little girl but it's not like we're in a dd/lg relationship. It's just cute, I guess. So it depends.

  • Anonymous

    it's just who you are and he needs to either get over it and accept who you are you or you need to find someone who can accept you. This ain't a big deal at all. Before you know it you'll be like 40 and your going to miss being a. Take this time to have fun, your childhood only last for a short amount of time

    Like Disagree 2 People

    • Anonymous

      miss being a child**

    • Z-Spark

      childhood ends at 15-16 she's over 20 i think she's way past that phase

  • madhatters4

    doesn't seem like a good thing for him to feel that way

  • serious

    It's not a super bad quality but it isn't exactly a good quality either.

  • JSmuve

    Childishness is not exactly a sought after quality, particularly if you act like a spoiled, lazy, stubborn, whiny one.

  • Z-Spark

    I know what childish girls sound like trust me and i am not interested in dating a girl like that, acting cute is fine but childish? no not my style you have to be mature enough.

  • Anonymous

    i personally wouldn't want my boyfriend to be serious all the time.. like how can you have any fun?😂

    • Z-Spark

      so if he's a childish guy who acts like a 14 year old despite being 25 its cool with you?

  • Anonymous

    I like it if the girl is more playful and makes me laugh a lot. Or if she is sassy and stuff. As long as she doesn't change her mind too much or flake out on plans we make then it is all good.

  • ghosttownshutin

    Yeah, that's a bad quality. On the plus side, he's not a pedophile. 😂

  • godfatherfan

    your not even woman enough to post as yourself on a site that your already anonymous on. kinda pathetic. But that is anyone that posts anonymous. They shouldn't allow it.

    Disagree 1 Person

    • samhradh_leannan

      I will never understand why people hate anonymous posts so much... like you said, most users are pretty anonymous anyway... what's the difference? Why is it worth insulting people over?

  • omykb1_one

    having fun being funny is a plus in a relationship.

  • dnly1

    U r fake :p b original :) and if he is pointing childishness in ua decisions then seriously start thinking about it n keep on improving

    Disagree 1 Person

  • Thinkthought

    depends, if he's into having a DD/lg relationship that's a good thing.

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