Grind and Grind All Day Alone Again Naturally



v. ground (ground), grind·ing, grinds

v. tr.


a. To reduce to modest $.25 or crush to a fine powder: grind wheat into flour; grind coffee beans.

b. To shape, sharpen, or refine with friction: grind scissors to a fine edge; grind lenses for eyeglasses.

two. To rub (two surfaces) together harshly; gnash: grind one'south teeth.

3. To bear downward on harshly; crush: The team's spirit was ground down past harsh losses.

four. To oppress or weaken gradually or persistently: "Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the constabulary" (Oliver Goldsmith).

5. To operate by turning a creepo: ground a hurdy-gurdy.

half dozen. To instill or teach by persistent repetition: footing the truth into their heads.

5. intr.

1. To perform the functioning of grinding something.

ii. To become crushed, pulverized, or powdered past friction: Those coffee beans footing easily.


a. To motion with noisy friction; grate: a railroad train grinding along rusty rails.

b. To ride a skateboard, a snowboard, or skis over a grind rail or narrow surface, oftentimes with the lath or skis at right angles to the management of motion.

4. Breezy To devote oneself to written report or work: grinding for a test; grinding away at housework.

5. Slang To rotate the pelvis erotically, every bit while dancing or performing a striptease.


i. The human activity of grinding.

ii. A crunching or grinding noise.


a. A specific grade or caste of pulverization, as of coffee beans: drip grind.

b. Bits of ground java; grounds.

4. Informal A laborious task, routine, or study: the daily grind.

v. Breezy A student who works or studies excessively.

half dozen. Slang An erotic rotation of the pelvis.

Phrasal Verb:

grind out

To produce mechanically or without inspiration: a hack writer who grinds out i potboiler after another.


grind it out

To make a persistent effort in doing something that is difficult; work at something persistently.

grind′ing·ly adv.

American Heritage® Lexicon of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb, grinds, grinding or basis

1. to reduce or be reduced to small particles by pounding or abrading: to grind corn; to grind flour.

ii. (tr) to smoothen, sharpen, or polish by friction or abrasion: to grind a knife.

3. to scrape or grate together (two things, esp the teeth) with a harsh rasping sound or (of such objects) to exist scraped together

four. (foll by: out) to speak or say (something) in a rough voice

5. (often foll past: down) to hold downwardly; oppress; tyrannize

6. (Mechanical Applied science) (tr) to operate (a automobile) by turning a handle

vii. (foll by: out) to produce in a routine or uninspired manner: he ground out his weekly article for the paper.

viii. (foll by: out) to proceed to play in a deadening or insipid style: the band simply ground out sometime tunes all evening.

9. (ofttimes foll by: into) to instil (facts, information, etc) past persistent effort: they ground into the recruits the need for vigilance.

10. (intr) informal to study or work laboriously

11. (Dancing) (intr) chiefly U.s. to dance erotically by rotating the pelvis (esp in the phrase bump and grind)


12. informal laborious or routine piece of work or study

13. slang chiefly United states of america a person, esp a student, who works excessively hard

14. (Cookery) a specific grade of pulverization, as of coffee beans: coarse grind.

15. slang Brit the deed of sexual intercourse

xvi. (Dancing) chiefly United states of america a dance motility involving an erotic rotation of the pelvis

17. the act or sound of grinding

[Old English grindan; related to Latin frendere, Lithuanian gréndu I rub, Low German grand sand]

ˈgrindingly adv

Collins English language Dictionary – Complete and Entire, twelfth Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. ground, grind•ing,
n. v.t.

one. to wear, smooth, or sharpen past abrasion or friction; whet: to grind a lens.

2. to reduce to fine particles, as by pounding or crushing; pulverize.

iii. to oppress, torment, or crush: ground by poverty.

four. to rub harshly or gratingly; dust: to grind 1'south teeth.

5. to operate by turning a crank: to grind a manus organ.

half dozen. to produce by crushing or abrasion: to grind flour.


7. to reduce something to fine particles.

eight. to rub harshly; grate.

nine. to be or get basis.

10. to be polished or sharpened by friction.

11. Informal. to piece of work or study laboriously (often fol. by away).

12. (in a dance) to rotate the hips in a suggestive manner. Compare bump (def. 9).

13. grind out,

a. to produce in a routine or mechanical manner.

b. to extinguish (a cigarette) against a surface.


xiv. the act of grinding.

fifteen. a grinding sound.

sixteen. a form of particle fineness into which a substance is footing: coffee bachelor in various grinds.

17. laborious, usu. uninteresting work.

18. an excessively diligent student.

19. a dance movement in which the hips are rotated in a suggestive manner. Compare bump (def. 16).

[before 950; Onetime English grindan; akin to Gothic grinda- ground up, Latin frendere to grind]

Random House Kernerman Webster's Higher Dictionary, © 2010 G Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random Firm, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a school of blackfish or bottle-nosed whales, 1885.

Dictionary of Commonage Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Grouping, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: ground
Gerund: grinding
I grind
you lot grind
he/she/it grinds
we grind
y'all grind
they grind
I ground
you ground
he/she/it ground
we footing
you ground
they ground
Present Continuous
I am grinding
you are grinding
he/she/information technology is grinding
we are grinding
you are grinding
they are grinding
Nowadays Perfect
I have footing
you have footing
he/she/information technology has ground
we have ground
you take ground
they have ground
Past Continuous
I was grinding
yous were grinding
he/she/information technology was grinding
we were grinding
y'all were grinding
they were grinding
Past Perfect
I had ground
you had basis
he/she/it had ground
we had ground
you lot had ground
they had footing
I will grind
you lot will grind
he/she/it will grind
we will grind
you will grind
they volition grind
Future Perfect
I volition have ground
you volition have ground
he/she/it will have basis
we will take ground
you will have basis
they will have ground
Future Continuous
I will be grinding
you will be grinding
he/she/it volition be grinding
we volition be grinding
you lot will be grinding
they will exist grinding
Nowadays Perfect Continuous
I have been grinding
you have been grinding
he/she/it has been grinding
we have been grinding
you have been grinding
they have been grinding
Future Perfect Continuous
I volition accept been grinding
you will take been grinding
he/she/it will have been grinding
we will accept been grinding
y'all will have been grinding
they will have been grinding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been grinding
you had been grinding
he/she/it had been grinding
we had been grinding
you had been grinding
they had been grinding
I would grind
yous would grind
he/she/it would grind
we would grind
y'all would grind
they would grind
Past Provisional
I would have ground
you would have ground
he/she/it would have ground
we would have ground
you would have ground
they would accept footing

Collins English language Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Fable:

Noun ane. grind - an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious grind - an insignificant educatee who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious

dweeb, nerd, swot, wonk

assimilator, learner, scholar - someone (especially a child) who learns (every bit from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs

two. grind - the class of particle fineness to which a substance is ground; "a coarse grind of java"

degree, level, grade - a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate course of intelligence"; "a high level of intendance is required"; "it is all a thing of degree"

3. grind - hard monotonous routine work grind - difficult monotonous routine piece of work

donkeywork, drudgery, plodding

toil, labor, labour - productive piece of work (especially physical work washed for wages); "his labor did non require a smashing bargain of skill"

4. grind - the human action of grinding to a powder or dust

pulverization, pulverization, mill

compaction, crunch, crush - the human action of burdensome

Verb 1. grind - press or grind with a burdensome noise

cranch, craunch, crunch

press - exert force per unit area or force to or upon; "He pressed down on the boards"; "press your pollex on this spot"

grind down, tyrannise, tyrannize - rule a state as a tyrant

two. grind - brand a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together; "grate i's teeth in anger"


gnash - grind together, of teeth

fragment, fragmentise, fragmentize, break up - break or cause to break into pieces; "The plate fragmented"

chew, manducate, masticate, jaw - chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth; "He jawed his bubble gum"; "Chew your food and don't swallow it!"; "The cows were masticating the grass"

three. grind - work hard; "She was earthworks away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"

labour, moil, toil, travail, drudge, fag, labor, dig

exercise piece of work, work - be employed; "Is your husband working again?"; "My wife never worked"; "Exercise you want to work after the age of sixty?"; "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of coin"; "She works as a waitress to put herself through higher"

4. grind - dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive manner, often while in contact with one'south partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced

trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe, dance - move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance; "My hubby and I like to trip the light fantastic toe at home to the radio"

5. grind - reduce to minor pieces or particles by pounding or abrading; "grind the spices in a mortar"; "brew the garlic"

comminute, bray, mash, crisis

pulp - reduce to lurid; "pulp fruit"; "pulp forest"

pestle - grind, mash or pulverize in a mortar; "pestle the garlic"

mill - grind with a factory; "manufacturing plant grain"

fragment, fragmentise, fragmentize, break upwards - break or cause to break into pieces; "The plate fragmented"

6. grind - created by grinding; "grind designs into the glass basin"

create, make - brand or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"

7. grind - shape or form by grinding; "grind lenses for glasses and cameras"

shape, mould, mold, form, forge, piece of work - make something, unremarkably for a specific function; "She molded the rice assurance carefully"; "Course cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metallic into a sword"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


grind someone downward oppress, suppress, harass, subdue, hound, bring down, plague, persecute, subjugate, trample underfoot, tyrannize (over) There volition ever exist some bosses who want to grind you lot down.

grind something out produce, turn out, generate, churn out He was forced to grind out second-rate out novels in social club to support his family.

grind to a halt stop, halt, stall The peace process has ground to a halt.

Collins Thesaurus of the English language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To break upwardly into tiny particles:

2. To rub together noisily:

three. Informal. To do tedious, laborious, and sometimes menial work:

4. Informal. To study or piece of work hard, particularly when pressed for time:

five. To treat arbitrarily or cruelly:


1. Breezy. A habitual, laborious, often tiresome course of activeness:

2. Informal. I who works or toils tirelessly:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


يَطْحَنكَدْح، عَمَل شاق يَحُكُّ ، يَصرُّ أسنانه يحُكُّ شَيئا بِشَيء

mlít skřípat vrtět vtlačit zavrtat

male mase pulverisere rutinearbejde slid

jauhaa keinuttaa hioa


darál köszörül lélekölõ munka morzsol őröl

gnísta, nísta kremja, merja mala streî, púl


...을 갈아 (가루로) 만들다

brūžinti dirbti be atvangos džeržgiantis griežti ilgas varginantis darbas

asināt berzēt berzt griezt zobus grind one's teeth







[graɪnd] (basis (pt, pp))

grind downwardly VT + ADV

grind out VT + ADV [+ tune] → tocar mecánicamente; [+ essay, novel etc] → producir (a costa de mucho esfuerzo)

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



vb [footing] [ˈgraʊnd] (pt, pp)


[+ coffee, pepper] → moudre

(= smooth) [+ gem, lens] → polir

Collins English language/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vb: pret, ptp <ground>


(= polish, sharpen) gem, lens, knifeschleifen

(= turn) handle, butt organdrehen; to grind one's heel into the earthden Absatz in die Erde bohren

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[graɪnd] (ground (vb: pt, pp))

grind away 6 + adv (fam) → sgobbare

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(graind) by tense, by participle ground (graund) verb

1. to shell into powder or pocket-sized pieces. This car grinds coffee. maal, fynmaak يَطْحَن меля moer mlít mahlen male; pulverisere αλέθω moler, triturar, picar jahvatama آسیاب کردن jauhaa moudre, broyer לִטחוֹן पीसना mljeti, samljeti őröl menggiling mala macinare 粉にひく 갈아 가루로 만들다 malti, grūsti []malt; []berzt (pulverī) mengisar malen male, knuse, kverne mleć, ucierać اوړه كول، ميدول، وړول، او ڼل: چيچل moer a măcina, a râşni молоть mlieť mleti mleti mala บด öğütmek 磨碎 молоти پیسنا nghiền 磨碎

2. to rub together, usually producing an unpleasant dissonance. He grinds his teeth. kners يَحُكُّ ، يَصرُّ أسنانه стривам ranger skřípat knirschen mase; kværne; skære tænder τρίζω hacer rechinar, moler krigistama ساییدن narskuttaa grincer לַחֲרוק किरकिराना škrgutati csikorgat mengertakkan gnísta, nísta arrotare; digrignare きしらせる 문지르다 brūžinti, griežti griezt zobus mengeritkan knarsen gnisse, skrape, skure zgrzytać ميدول ranger a scrâşni скрежетать škrípať škrtati škrgutati skära, gnissla ขยี้ gıcırdatmak 發出刺耳的磨擦聲 терти зі скрипом і скреготом ایک ساتھ رگڑنا nén hoặc cọ mạnh 磨得吱吱响

3. to rub into or against something else. He basis his heel into the earth. skuur يحُكُّ شَيئا بِشَيء смилам esmagar vtlačit, zavrtat bohren tvære; mase τρίβω oprimir, clavar nühkima ساییدن hangata enfoncer לְחַכֵּך सान देना trljati elnyom, széttapos menggosokkan kremja, merja sfregare こすりつける 비비다 įtrinti, sutrinti []berzēt; iespiest menenyeh-nenyeh schuren, wrijven skure, skrape wcierać ميدول esmagar a hârşâi вдавливать vtlačiť, zavŕtať drgniti prisloniti borra ner ถู sürtmek 壓碾 терти کسی چیز کے ساتھ رگڑنا mài 碾碎,挤压


irksome hard work. Learning vocabulary is a bit of a grind. geswoeg كَدْح، عَمَل شاق отегчителна работа trabalho pesado eastward cansativo dřina die Schinderei rutinearbejde; slid άχαρη, βαρετή δουλειά trabajo pesado pähetuupimine کار سخت و خسته کننده puuduttava työ corvée עֲבוֹדָה מְשַעֲמֶמֶת उबाने वाला कठिन काम težak, dosadan posao lélekölő munka membosankan streð, púl faticata, sgobbata 単調な仕事 힘들고 단조로운 일 ilgas varginantis darbas, kalimas smags/vienmuļš darbs membosankan vermoeiend karwei, hele kluif slit, rutinearbeid harówka ستومانه كوونكي خط maçada corvoadă изнурительная работа drina mučno delo naporan posao knog, slitgöra งานที่น่าเบื่อ zor iş, ömür törpüsü iş 枯燥乏味的工作 важка, одноманітна праця بے مزہ کڑی محنت công việc cực nhọc đều đều 枯燥乏味的工作

ˈgrinder substantive

a person or machine that grinds. a coffee-grinder. slyper, slypmasjien مِطْحَنَه، جاروشَه мелач moedor mlýnek; brusič die Mühle møller; -mølle; -kværn μηχανή αλέσματος molendero; afilador; moledora jahvataja, veski آدم یا دستگاهی که چیزی را خرد می کند mylly broyeur/-euse מטחנה पिसनहारा mlinac, mlin daráló penggiling kvörn; malari macina, macinino グラインダー 가는 사람(기계) malėjas, malimo mašinėlė kafijas dzirnaviņas pengisar maler; molen sliper, møller; kvern, mølle młynek وړونكى، اوړه كونكى moedor râşniţă шлифовальщик; кофемолка mlynček drobilec mašina za mlevenje malare, slipare, kvarn เครื่องบด öğütücü 磨工,研磨機 точильник; шліфувальник پیسنے والا شخص یا آلہ cối xay, máy nghiền 磨工,研磨机

ˈgrinding adjective

ane. with a sound of grinding. The train came to a grinding end. malery, slypery بِصوت فيه صَرير скърцащ rangente skřípavý mühsam skurrende με τριγμούς rechinante, chirriante krigisev دارای صدای سایش kirskuva grinçant पेषण škriputav csikorgó menggerit nístandi, gnístandi stridulo きしむ音を立てる 삐걱거리는 džeržgiantis žņerkstošs; griezīgs berkeriut knarsend skurende, skrapende zgrzytliwy جګ غږ لرونكي rangente scârţâitor скрежещущий škrípavý škripajoč zvuk mrvljenja gnisslande, skärande มีเสียงครูด gıcırtıcı 刺耳的磨擦聲 скрегочучий پیسنے کی آواز سے متعلق ken két 磨擦的嗄的一声

2. severe. grinding poverty. ernstige, swaar شَديد، قاسٍ тeжък esmagador tíživý bedrückend tyngende; knugende σκληρός, αδυσώπητος absoluto karm شدید vakava écrasant חוֹרֶק भीषण težak (fel)őrlő, nyomasztó parah mikill, alvarlegur opprimente きびしい 힘겨운 sunkus, kankinantis briesmīgs; satriecošs mengazabkan nijpend tyngende, knugende ciężki, gnębiący کلک esmagador apăsător ужасный ťaživý izčrpavajoč težak förkrossande, tröstlös รุนแรง ezici, kahredici 難熬的 болючий شدید cùng cực 难熬的

ˈgrindstone noun

a wheel-shaped stone against which knives are sharpened as information technology turns. slypsteen حَجَر المِسَن точило pedra de amolar brusný kotouč der Schleifstein slibesten τροχός ακονίσματος muela; piedra de afilar käi سنگ آسیاب hiomakivi meule אֶבֶן מַשחֵזֵת सिल mlinski kamen köszörűkő batu gilingan hverfisteinn mola 砥石 회전식 숫돌 tekėlas galoda; tecīla batu pengasah slijpsteen, wetsteen slipestein kamień szlifierski وژرندى پل: دتيره كولو څرخ pedra de amolar poli­zor, piatră de ascuţit точило brús; mlynský kameň brus tocilo slipsten หินลับมีด biley taşı 磨石,砂輪 жорно; точило چکی کا پاٹ، گھسنے والا پرزہ đá mài 砂轮形磨石,旋转研磨机

grind down

to crush. She was ground downward by poverty. onderdruk يَسْحَق разбивам esmagar drtit zermürben underkue; knuse συνθλίβω oprimir, aplastar; destruir rõhuma از پا درآوردن murskautua écraser נשחק पिसाना svesti na nešto elnyom menghancurkan kremja opprimere 押しつぶす 쪼들리다 sugniuždyti samalt; nomocīt ditindas onderdrukken, uitmergelen tynge ned, underkue zgnębić ویجاورل esmagar a zdrobi замучить (roz)drviť; muťiť, ťažiť izčrpati tlačiti krossa, tillintetgöra กดขี่ ezmek 折磨,磨難 роздавлювати تباہ کر دینا hành hạ 折磨

grind up

to grind into pulverization or small pieces. This machine grinds up rocks. maal يَسْحَق، يَطْحَن меля triturar rozdrtit, rozemlít zerkleinern male; knuse αλέθω, κομματιάζω pulverizar, hacer polvo, triturar jahvatama خرد کردن؛ پودر کردن murskata pulvériser לִטחוֹן पीसना mljeti, usitnjavati felőröl melumatkan mala, mylja frantumare 粉にする 가루로 만들다 grūsti, malti []malt mengisar malen male, knuse mleć ږ ټوټه ټو ټه كول triturar a pulveriza перемалывать rozdrviť, roz(o)mlieť zmleti mleti krossa, mala ner บดจนเป็นผง öğütmek 碾成粉 розмолоти برادے یا چھوٹے ٹکڑوں میں پیسنا nghiền nhỏ 碾成粉

keep (some)one'southward nose to the grindstone

to (strength someone to) work hard, without stopping. hard werk يُجْبِرُ على العَمَل الشّاق принуждавам някого да работи като вол (fazer) trabalhar duro (nechat) dřít do úpadu jemanden schwer schuften lassen holde ... fast til arbejdet μου βγαίνει το λάδι στη δουλειά batir el yunque, trabajar sin levantar cabeza tööd rügama panema سخت و مداوم کار کردن tehdä kovaa työtä yhtäjaksoisesti (faire) travailler sans relâche לְהַעֲבִיד עָבוֹדַת פָּרֶך अथक कठिन परिश्रम करना prisiliti nekoga na težak rad agyonhajt vkit memaksa kerja láta e-north vinna baki brotnu lavorare sodo, sgobbare あくせく働く 혹사하다 (priversti ką nors) dirbti be atvangos izdzīt/nostrādināt kādu memaksa seseorang bekerja keras afbeulen henge i, passe på at noen ikke sluntrer unna harować زيات كار كوول (fazer) trabalhar no duro a forţa pe cineva să muncească non stop/continuu (заставлять) работать без передышки nechať (koho) drieť practise úmoru delati brez prestanka raditi bez prestanka vara (hålla ngn) i ständigt arbete, [låta ngn] slita hund รุนแรง durmadan çalışmak, didinip durmak (迫使某人)不間斷地辛勞 працювати не покладаючи рук کسی سے مسلسل کڑی محنت کروانا làm việc cật lực 使(某人)埋头从事辛苦的劳动

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 Thousand Dictionaries Ltd.


يَطْحَن mlít male mahlen αλέθω moler jauhaa moudre mljeti macinare 挽く ...을 갈아 (가루로) 만들다 malen kverne zemleć moer молоть mala บด öğütmek xay

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vt (pret & pp ground ) (a pill, etc.) triturar (form), moler; (one's teeth) rechinar, apretar (los dientes); I think you're grinding your teeth in your sleep ..Creo que rechina (aprieta) los dientes durante el sueño.

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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